
Sorry to everyone who reached out to me in the past year. I am still here.

I neglected this blog because I stopped looking for legitimate hackers as I found none. Nearly all are scammers. Also please do not contact me asking if I have any recommendations or can provide a hacking service. The answer is no to both questions.

When I was scammed, NHH was still taking credit and debit cards. It seems like they have updated recently (perhaps in the past half year or so) and only take bitcoin because people were filing chargebacks after they realized they got scammed. If you don’t know, bitcoin is untraceable and nonrefundable. It’s very risky to pay with it unless you’re absolutely certain of the legitimacy of the service or product you’re purchasing. Also, if the “hackers” want you to pay with Western Union (another nonrefundable and untraceable payment method) and they are located in Africa or Central-South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.) they are most definitely scammers.

I will keep saying this over and over. Unless you receive proof of hacking, do not send any money!

What does good proof look like?

  1. For email/facebook hacks, send a test a message to the target email/facebook profile and ask the hackers to relay the message back to you. If they can’t, they obviously do not have access to the account and are scammers
  2. For grade modification hacks, you need to use a reputable escrow service that deals with greyhat/illegal activities and only when you see the changes on your school/college/university’s server do you release the funds on the escrow account.
  3. Any other account, use common sense. Ask yourself can this proof be faked somehow? Even the most convincing screenshots can be faked nowadays with photoshop or other picture editors.