Interview with a scam-victim of

I have been communicating for a while with someone who got scammed by NHH for a large amount.

I sent him the questionnaire in the previous post, and here are his responses below, although he would like to remain anonymous.

Questions & Answers

1. How did you find Neighborhood Hacker? 

I found them by google search, they appeared on the top of the page.

2. What finally made you decide to hire them for their services?

I saw their website looks like a respectable website as it has strict conditions and terms and beautiful graphics with some YouTube videos, as well as they have put some fake good reviews and comments and there was no any bad comment, in addition to that their website is on the top of the google search, and their live costumer support chat, they were answering me instantly!.

3. Were there any red flags or were you sure they were legitimate?

Yes, I was sure they were legitimate unfortunately.

4. Did you pay the consultation fee? How much?

Yes, I paid $25.

5. If someone was assigned to your case, who?

Yes, his name was Maddison Thomas, he claimed that he is the Team Manager.

6. Before your case started, what kind of “paperwork” did you need to fill out?

I filled out a confidentiality agreement form (Docusign), they asked for my name and electronic signature. And another form which asks for information they needed me to provide them with, to let them solve my problem.

7. What kind of general service did you request (if you feel comfortable answering) and how much did you pay?

I requested them to let me know who is the real person behind a fake Facebook profile which was annoying me.

8. Were you instructed to pay the full amount or just partially?

I was instructed to pay partial amount, in addition to consultation fee.

9. How well did NHH communicate with you before you paid your retainer?

They were responding to me instantly. their communication was excellent.

10. How well did NHH communicate with you after you paid your retainer?

They stopped responding to me at all.

11. When did you start to realize something was wrong, and did you ask NHH for a refund? If yes, how did they respond?

When they stopped responding to me I realized they are a big scammers, and then when I read someone’s comment on their video on YouTube, he confirmed to me they are a big scammers and I fall in their trap.

12. Did you attempt to confront NHH by calling or using the chat function? If yes, how was your experience?

Yes, I went to their website trying to reach them from the same costumer support live chat, but unfortunately, this chat was no longer available to me. And when I called them on their number provided on the website, only a machine-answer answered me asked me to leave a voicemail!

13. What was the description that appeared on your credit/debit card statement?


14. Have you decided to pursue any other means of retrieving your money and was it successful?

I went to my bank, and filed a claim against them.

15. What is your final impression of NHH?

They are a big scammers, shame on them.

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